CLT AIS Committee renamed The Lakes and Shores Committee
The Crooked Lake Township established a committee in 2012 to study and implement practices to prevent and minimize the effect of aquatic invasive species in our area lakes.
This volunteer committee consists of passionate area property owners dedicated to preserving our pristine waterways.
As water quality has become a priority and with the creation of the Pine River 1 watersehed 1plan AIS officially hanged it's name to LAKES AND SHORES in 2021. The AIS Committee is taking on a new challenge to provide information to area lake property owners on how to incorporate ways to preserve the water quality on their lake. Simple things like leaving you trees on the shoreline buffer and stop mowing and start enjoying the precious minutes you have for "fun in the sun!"
In the meanwhile we are continuing our efforts to control Eurasian Watermilfoil, staff our landings with level 1 inspectors and search for Zebra Mussels