Jan. 12, 2006
Members present: Halstensen, Richters, Switzer, Kemper, Prax, Smith & Mechelke. The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given. MOTION KEMPER, 2ND SWITZER TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE DEC. 8TH MEETING WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONS: Kemper had not received a copy of the proposed Fire Dept. budget for 2007 but had now received it. Jim Foss stated that he had pointed out the oath that Town Board members had taken and wanted that statement added to the minutes. He stated: I am reminding the Board members about the oath of office they signed saying that they would represent the citizens of Crooked Lake Township and not their own agenda or self interests. All voted yes to approve the minutes except Halstensen. She stated she would not approve them so she abstained. Motion carried. The Treasurer reported a bank balance of$120,534.68. MOTION SWITZER, 2ND PRAX TO PAY WARRANTS #11539-11581. Motion carried. Chairperson read a letter received from Fire Chief Rolf Halstensen. A copy of the 2007 Fire budget was received from the Fire Department. Discussed the amount of time put in by Town Board members. The Board felt that it was a good idea for every Board member to keep track of all extra time that they spent on Town Board business that was being submitted. Discussed the Appeals Court decision on the downtown road situation. The Chairman reported a petition had been received to alter a roadway in the downtown road situation. The Chairman read copies of a series of letters received uom Tom Borden in regard to proceedings in the downtown road situation. A final letter and or fax contained the answer to the Chairman's inquiry as to what happens next. Tom Borden's final sentence was "let me know if you have any further questions". The letter was dated Jan. 12,2006 and was read to Town Board members and persons attending the meeting. The suggestion was made that we set up a meeting with Tom Borden as soon as possible. MOTION KEMPER, 2ND SWITZER THAT THE TOWN BOARD MEET WITH OUR LEGAL COUNCIL, TOM BORDEN, IN A CLOSED MTG. IF LEGAL, AT HIS EARLIEST CONVEINIENCE CONCERNING THE PF AFF LITIGATION. Voting: 5 yes. Motion carried. The Board decided to wait until the Feb. 9th regular Town Board meeting to act on the petition received from Pfaffs. Chairperson reported that a phone call had been received from a fisherman stating that the access on Roosevelt Lake, next to Jim Foss property, was obstructed. Chairperson had checked it out and that was not the case. Barry Knox has fixed the electrical problem at the flagpole and pointed out other electrical problems that the Township has. A plumber has not been contacted in regard to hot water running into bathroom stools. MOTION SWITZER, 2ND PRAX AUTHERIZING HALSTENSEN TO CONTACT A PLUMBER TO FIX THE PROBLEM OF TOO MUCH HOT WATER RUNNING INTO BATHROOM STOOLS. Motion carried. Richters reported that the pump is running too much at the Town Hall |
Discussed that it was necessary for Dayton to clean up the Town Hall before they were able to use it on the day that they rented it. Discussed how to handle the two checks Halstensen has received for the rent of the Town Hall from Dayton Paulson. It was suggested that she deposit the checks and that Dayton should bill the Township for the time he spent cleaning the Town Hall. Halstensen reported that the mileage rate for next year is 44.5 cents per mile. Cass County Development has requested a $1000 donation from Crooked Lake Township. Chairperson read a letter from Rolf Halstensen requesting copies of all warrants pertaining to the Clerk's compensation salary and reimbursements for years 2004 and 2005. Also requested was documentation of hours worked, authorization of the Board etc. Requested, also, were copies of the invoice presented to the Town Board by Gothman excavating at the Dec. 2005 Meeting. The Town Board tabled action on the requests until it could determine which, if any, was not public information. Chairman stated that the Town Board could ask why this information was requested. It was pointed out that all these warrants had been authorized by the Town Board for payment. Discussed a letter from Charles Barnum, which included a petition to establish a cartway. The petition was from Barry Nelson and Cindy Nelson. The Board tabled the petition until the Feb. Town Board meeting. Discussed a letter from Paul Boblett in regard to the closed meeting held by the Town Board on Sept. 8th, 2005. He had requested notes taken at that Meeting and Tom Borden authorized the Clerk to give him copies. At 9:10 PM the Meeting was recessed for 10 minutes. The Meeting resumed at 9:20PM. Switzer reported that Roger Olds had been out sanding and plowing roads and had been working on various projects. Prax reported that the web site is up and running. The web site is www.crookedlake.govoffice2.com Discussed procedure to handle checks to Fire Dept funds. Richters reported that there had been a problem with calculation in regard to payments to the bank for the Fire Hall. The Township will save money with the problem straightened out. Discussed the unsigned Gothman check. Discussed error in the 2004 levy for the Fire Dept. The Township had received over $20,000 because of it. Citizens will be asked at the Annual Meeting how they feel it should be used. MOTION RICHTERS, 2ND HALSTENSEN THAT THE BOARD DIRECT THE TREASURER TO OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT THE UNITY BANK AND TRANSFER THE 2005 EXCESS LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,500 TO THAT ACCOUNT. $20,750 IS TO BE TRAMSFERED FROM THE FIRE FUND AMD $1750 FROM THE GENERAL REVENUE FUND. THESE FUNDS ARE TO BE RECORDED AS EXCESS LEVY UNDER INVESTMENTS UNTIL THE CITIZENS DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THESE FUNDS. Motion carried. MOTION RICHTERS, 2ND SWITZER THAT THE CITIZENS OF CROOKED LAKE TOWNSHIP DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THE EXCESS LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,500 AT THE ANNUAL MEETING ON MARCH 14, 2006. SUGGESTIONS WOULD INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, REDUCE THE 2007 LEVY BY |
$22,500, REDUCE THE PRINCIPLE ON THE EMMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING LOAN BY $22,500 OR USE THE $22,500 TO PURCHASE CLASS 5 FOR OUR CLASS 5 ROAD PROJECT. Motion carried MOTION RICHTERS, 2ND PRAX THAT THE BOARD AUTHORIZE THE TREASURER TO TRANSFER $14,544.01 FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FUND IN ORDER TO BRING THAT BALANCE TO ZERO AND THAT THE BOARD DISCONTINUE USING PLANNING COMMISSION FUNDS. Voting: Richters-yes, Kemper-no, Prax-no, Halstensen-no, Switzer-no. Motion failed. MOTION RICHTERS, 2ND PRAX THAT WE AUTHORIZE THE TREASURER TO PURCHASE A ONE YEAR $30,000 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND AND RECORD THE C.D. AS A CONTINGENCY FUND INVESTMENT. Voting: Richters-yes, Switzer-yes, Halstensen-yes, Prax-no, Kemperno. Motion carried. Discussed that the Fire Hall interest payment was not correct. Richters had met with the bank personal. Interest calculation is now on tract. Savings will amount to approximately $1500. Discussed new account numbers to be used in future budgets. Discussed schedule to make Township systems work. Discussed makeup of Visioning Session members. Kemper reported that she had contacted Dunbars Septic .and Propane Company about last months warrants. Kemper reported that she has had many townspeople stop in questioning the adjournment and recess of the December regular monthly meeting. She stated that we need some clarification about Township buildings and whom Township employees should answer to. She further stated that she felt Township Supervisors should be in charge of all Township buildings. Kemper contacted Dennis Weirke about the amount due from Sunset Hill Road participants for calcium chloride application-payment of$1399 was received. Switzer has been contacted about the balance of $249 owed by participants on the Longwood Point Road for calcium chloride application. Kemper discussed minutes of last months meeting regarding the shutdown of the business located on the comer of Highway 6 and Cass County 48. The Clerk reported on election rules that the Township must follow including deadline date, filing notices, Annual Meeting notices etc. Discussed petition to vacate Canal Street. The Clerk was instructed to handle ongoing meetings, publications etc. necessary before the scheduled hearing date. Discussed that Blue Ballot printing would be handled by the printer that had attorney authorization to print the ballot in correct form. The Clerk reported that a campaign manual must be given to all persons filing for Township positions. Discussed election judges for the Annual Township election to be held in March. Reported that the Crooked Lake polling place must remain at the Crooked Lake Town Hall, as there is not enough time to change location. The State Auditors email update stated that 81 resolutions had been received from Townships regarding proposals to reform HAVA regulations as they relate to Township elections. |
Copies of Township road specifications have been distributed to Supervisors. Information has been received from the Cass County Sheriff s office in regard to calls made in Crooked Lake Township. Copies of the information will be distributed to the Supervisors. A suggestion was made from the audience that Township Supervisors should read up on the open meeting law. MOTION SWITZER, 2ND HALSTENSEN TO AUTHORIZE THE CLERK TO APPOINT ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE MARCH TOWNSHIP ELECTION. Motion carried. MOTION KEMPER, 2ND PRAX TO PUBLISH NOTIFICATION OF THE ANNUAL MTG. TWO TIMES IN THE NORTHLAND PRESS. Motion carried. Kemper asked how many people have filed for Township offices and was told one had filed for Supervisor and one for Clerk. Information has been received from Northland Press in regard to status of the paper and information about paper and advertising rates along with a request to distribute a copy of the letter to each Township Board member at the next meeting. Kathy Pfaff requested information as to how and why the business located on the comer of Highway 6 and Cass County 48 had been closed down. More discussion was held as to how it came about. MOTION KEMPER, 2ND SWITZER TO ADJOURN. Motion carried. |