2007 Minutes

Jan. 11, 2007



The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Members present: Halstensen, Kemper, Schloesser, Switzer, Prax, Smith & Mechelke.

Pestello’s liquor license is on the agenda.  The person requesting it will appear later on the agenda.

The paper trail for the Fire Dept. will include trail for the Fire Truck and equipment.

A typo in the Township minutes will be corrected to read car instead of can.


The Treasurer’s report showed a bank balance of $132819.84

Discussed warrants.  MOTION SCHLOESSER 2ND HALSTENSEN TO PAY WARRANTS #12017-12048 EXCLUDING #12045.  Motion carried.

Discussed fire Dept. equipment fund.

Discussed purchase of a truck for Fire Dept. equipment. Discussed if bids were needed to purchase a used truck for Fire Dept. equipment.  All Fire Dept reports have been sent in.  One Fireman has retired and two have quit.  One new Fireman will be trained.

New EMT classes are starting in Remer.

Discussed brushing and cutting trees along Township roads on County and private property.  MOTION KEMPER, 2ND PRAX TO BRUSH SIDES OF TOWNSHIP ROADS WHERE IT GOES THROUGH COUNTY LAND WHERE APPLICABLE.  Motion carried.

Pagers have been returned to Unicel.

Olds will be picking up Township mail at the Post Office and cleaning the Township offices.

Trees along Plummer’s Point Road have been looked at.

Steve Kelly’s concern about water running onto his property from a Township culvert has been addressed.

Switzer has contacted Cass County in regard to trees and brush on Township roads going through County property.

Switzer talked to Steve Hetland concerning the Hetland—Heinen case.

Discussed icy Township roads.  Switzer recommended purchasing carbide tip cutting edge to be used on the grader.  Cutting edges would cost $4200 to $4500.  If Supervisors wanted to see the job that they accomplished they could look at the Thunder Lake Township roads.  Township decals have been put on the grader.  A plow mount has been installed on the grader.  Nortrax will hook up hydraulic lines to the control valve.  D.O.T. inspection has been done on the truck.  The rear license plate needs to be lighted.  The Thunder Lake gravel bill has been paid.  Switzer requested that the Township purchase updated safety equipment for the road crew.  MOTION KEMPER, 2ND HALSTENSEN TO PURCHASE UPDATED SAFETY EQUIPMENT, TWO SETS FOR TOWNSHIP WORKERS NOT TO EXCEED $1000.  Motion carried.

Discussed residents using Township sand.  The Board felt there was no problem if small amounts were used.




Prax reported on the Watershed District.

Discussed Crooked Lake Township office phone number.

Discussed rates of local newspapers for publishing notices etc.  The Clerk is to look up old rate quotes.

Discussed changing Township lawyers.  The present Township lawyer is Tom Borden.  Troy Gilcrest is being considered.


Discussed policy changes for persons renting Crooked Lake Township facilities.  Prax will investigate rental agreements other Townships have in place.

Discussed disposal of the old fire truck.  Switzer will make arrangements.

Discussed moving Township elections from March to Nov.





WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 205.075 provides towns the option to designate the first Tuesday

After the first Monday in November of either the even-numbered of the odd-numbered year as the date of the town general election; and


            WHEREAS, the town board determines that changing the town’s general election

            Date from March to November serves the public’s interest by aligning the town’s

            Election with the other November elections; and


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the town board of Crooked Lake Township, Cass County, Minnesota does hereby designate the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years as the date of the town general election; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the designation shall take effect for the 2008 town election provided the electors vote to authorize the designation at the next town election; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following plan shall be used to provide an orderly transition to the November election schedule by lengthening the terms of office:


  1.                   The supervisor position that expires in March of 2008 shall be designated “Supervisor position A” and shall expire in 2012;


  1.                   The supervisor position that expires in 2008 shall be designated “Supervisor

Position B” and shall expire in 2012;


  1.                   The supervisor position the expires in 2009 shall be designated “Supervisor

            position C” and shall be extended so that it expires in 2010;


4.         The supervisor position that expires in 2010 shall be designated “Supervisor

            position D” expires in 2014;


      5.         The supervisor position that expires in 2010 shall be designated “Supervisor

                  position E” expires in 2014;


  1.                 The position of clerk that expires in 2008 shall be extended so that it expires in

           Nov. 2008.


  1.                 The position of treasurer that expires in 2009 shall be extended so that it

           expires in Nov. 2010; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that officers elected after the effective date of this resolution and approval of the town electors shall be elected for four year terms as provided in Minn. Stat 367.03, subd. 4; and


BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to prepare the ballot question and take such other actions as may be needed to submit the question of adopting the November election date to the electors for a vote at the next town election.


Adopted this 11 day of Jan., 2007

                                                                           Michelle Kemper

                                                                            Town Chair


Glen Mechelke

  Town Clerk


Supervisor—Lynda Halstensen-----yes

Supervisor—Rodney Schloesser----yes

Supervisor—Jean Prax---------------yes

Supervisor—Daniel Switzer---------yes

Supervisor—Michelle Kemper------yes

                                                                   Motion carried

Schloesser contacted Little Falls Machine for an adapter bracket for the John Deer grader.



March Township elections will be held in the Fire Hall from 5 PM to 8 PM.

The snowplowing policy has been posted and published.

The Township owes $100,000 on the new grader.

March election ballots will be ordered from Township Tips.  The Clerk was authorized to post and publish the notice of the March annual election.

Kemper reported that the resolution on Canal Street has been sent to Walker.

A $50 rebate check has been received for the computer.

$13,000 has been received for the Community fund.

Discussed maintenance and snowplowing for the road extending past the end of Plummer Point Road, which the Township maintains.

Kemper talked to the Postmaster in regard to Crooked Lake Township mailing address.  It was felt that we would continue using Box 5.

Discussed Nelson Cart Way request.

The Clerk was instructed to try to locate the resolution written out by Halstensen.

Kemper discussed open communications and respect between Town Board members.

The Annual Audit and Budget meeting will be held on Feb. 19th in the Crooked Lake Town Hall at 7 PM. The Clerk will post and publish notices.

The seniors would like to use the copy machine located in the Town Hall.  The Town Board has no objection for them making a few copies.



                               Glen Mechelke, Clerk


Feb. 8, 2007



Members present: Schloesser, Prax, Kemper, Switzer, Halstensen, Smith & Mechelke.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Additions to the minutes:  There was a typo in Prax’s name in the motion to adjourn.  Her last name is spelled Prax.  Minutes should state that a gift of a small first aid kit was received from Nor Trax and that the trees along Plummer’s Point Road that were looked at do not pose any threat to vehicles or to the Township equipment.  The Township would need the owner’s permission to cut the trees.  The Township office phone number is 218-792-5315.  MOTION SWITZER, 2ND PRAX TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF JAN. 11, 2007 WITH THE ABOVE CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS.  Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report showed a bank balance of $128,019.02.

MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND KEMPER TO PAY WARRANTS #12051-12088.  Voting:  Kemper-yes, Schloesser-yes, Switzer-yes, Prax-yes Halstensen-no.  Motion carried 4-1.

The Fire Dept. report was given.  Discussed financing a rescue vehicle.  MOTION KEMPER, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO ALLOW THE FIRE DEPT UP TO $15,000 FROM FIRE DEPT. C.D.’S TO PURCHASE A RESCUE VEHICLE.  Motion carried.

Discussed Fire Dept budget.  Discussed Fire Dept. Relief Assn.  Discussed retirement payouts.

Roger Olds has viewed the Safety Maintenance and Operating video supplied by John Deer.  Roger Olds has been out sanding and scraping the hills and approaches as needed.

Roger Olds ordered and received cutting edges for all the equipment.  He picked up a set of serrated edges for the grader that work fairly well.  The cost is about $5-10 more than a normal set of cutting edges.  Roger Olds and Dayton Paulson will start brushing when the weather warms up.  MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND KEMPER TO SEND ROGER OLDS TO THE SPRING MAINTENANCE AND SAFETY EXPO. IN ST. CLOUD ON APRIL 10TH AND 11TH.  HE WILL STAY OVER NIGHT ON APRIL 10TH.  Motion carried.

Switzer arranged with Wagner Forest Products to move the old Fire Truck to the DNR in Willow River.  It will be done when the transport truck is available.

Discussed alcohol use in the Town Hall.  Discussed Town Hall rental agreement.  Discussed giving away alcohol in the Town Hall.


Discussed the Township website.

Discussed keys by other than Township Officers for locked buildings.

Schloesser informed Supervisors that some one wanted to rent the Town Hall and have a Tupper Ware party.  He asked if there was a charge.  The answer was yes.

Someone is having a wedding reception and wants to serve beer.  The Town Board will make the decision.

$400 has been deposited in the Canister fund.

The Clerk was authorized to sign a contract with Cross Lake Sheet Metal for maintenance of furnaces.

The Clerk has appointed election judges.  Voting for the upcoming Township election will be held in the Fire Hall Conference room.  Notices are being sent out notifying residents of the new voting place.

Fourth quarter billing for Township work for Beulah Township, Thunder Lake Township and Cass County has been sent out.  Total billing is $2808.60.

Gene William’s lawyer wants to be notified of any future hearing on the Nelson Cart Way Petition.

No additional information has been received on the Canal Street vacation.

Discussed Gervais Road vacation petition on Wood Lake.

Discussed work completion certificates for Town Road projects.

Discussed immediate release form received from Cass Co. in regard to the Blue Ballot to be voted on by Crooked Lake Township residents at the Annual Election to be held March 13th 2007.  The ballot approved would move the election from March to November if passed.

The Clerk questioned the $59.18 early withdrawal fee from Unity Bank.

Work Comp. Audit has been sent to the Township Assn.

Township debt report has been sent to Cass County.

An information meeting is being held in Backus on Feb. 28th, 2007 from 1 to 4 PM in the County Land Dept. building.

Discussed minimum road levy for Crooked Lake Township.  It is necessary to levy a minimum of $111,127.00 in order to receive gas tax money from the State of Minnesota.

Kemper has received 2 Variance applications and received correspondence from attorneys. She has also received loan information for the grader.

Discussed newspaper charges for advertising.  Discussed audit and budget information.

Discussed election filings.  Only one person has filed for each position. There are 2 Supervisor positions and one Treasurer position. 

Discussed legal newspapers and requirements to approve a legal paper.  Discussed correspondence.  MOTION HALSTNSEN, 2ND PRAX TO ADJOURN.  Motion carried.


                                                       Glen Mechelke, Clerk

March 8, 2007


The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.  Members present: Kemper, Prax, Schloesser, Smith, & Mechelke.  The Feb. 2007 minutes were discussed. The following motion is to be added to thhe minutes:  MOTION SCHLOESSR, 2ND KEMPER TO SEND ROGER AND DAYTON TO BRAINERD FOR A FREE HANDHELD POWER TOOL SAFETY SEMINAR ON 2/14/07 AT NORTHWOOD TURF & POWER IN BRAINERD. Motion carried.   MOTION KEMPER, 2ND PRAX TO APPROVE THE MINUTES WITH THE ABOVE MOTION ADDED.  Motion carried.   The Treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $127,963.37.  MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO APY WARRANTS 12089-12117.  Motion carried.   Schloesser reported on the Cass County Assoc. of townships meeting in Backus.  The County intends to turn Frontage Road in downtown Outing over to Crooked Lake Township, possibly in 2008.  Discussed the request to serve beer in the Town Hall for future weddings.  Discussed the request to use the Township chairs for a beach wedding.  The Township does not loan out chairs.  Discussed the Town Hall storm windows and the floor.  $460 was deposited in the Canister fund.  The Cass County web site is available.     MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND PRAX TO PURCHASE A 3/4 IMPACT WRENCH FOR THE MAINTENANCE SHOP.  Motion carried.    MOTION KEMPER, 2ND PRAX AUTHORIZING SWITZER TO CONTINUE AS CROOKED LAKE TOWNSHIP REPRESENTATIVE TO THE REMER AMBULANCE SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT.  Motion carried.   Wagner Forest Products will move the old fire truck when they get time this spring.   Olds will be attending a free damage prevention safety meeting in Brainerd on Thursday March 29th.   Discussed the possibility of a new Deputy Clerk.  The Clerk will be at the Fire Hall office on Sat. March 10th from 10-12 am for absentee voting.  The Clerk will meet with the head Election Judge to arrange for the upcoming Township election.  The Board of Review will be held Friday April 27th at 12 noon in the Town Hall.   No word has been received on the Canal Street vacation on Wood Lake. The D.N.R. wants information on the outcome of the Canal Street vacation.   A revised zoing map has been received from Cass County.  Supervisors are to review this and submit comments if they desire.   The Spring Short Course is to be held April 5th at Grand Rapids.  Discussed that the Clerks file on the computer in the Fire Hall had been altered.  The Treasurer also had problems setting up the Treasurer's data.   Information has been received concerning the Town Hall repairs.  More information will be presented later.  Unity Bank has refunded $59.18 to the checking account in regard to an error in charging the Township an early withdrawal penalty.    Discussed the Gervais request to vacate the road on Wood Lake.  The Board felt that Crooked Lake Township should continue involvement in the vacating proceedings.   Discussed life insurance for Town Board members.   Kemper asked for comments and or questions from the audience.    MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND PRAX TO ADJOURN.  Motion carried.

                               Glen Mechelke, Clerk          jmp 

March 13, 2007 Annual Meeting

Road Report for 2006:  Spent approximately $66,000 on class #5 for graveling town roads.

The Township graveled 12.45 miles of roads.

Cost per mile: $5,301 vs. $6,600 in 2005. The difference is because of competitive bidding.

Roads graveled: South Lake Lawrence Rd. & Trail, Lawrence Pt Trl, Royal Oaks Dr., Roosevelt Shores Dr., Woods Bay Rd., Fehrs Dr., Lois Lane, 12th St. (Fawkes Ridge), Birch Bay Rd. & Dr., Quentin Ln., Shady Ln., Cranberry Ln., and Brookside Pass.

Other work that the Township does includes road drainage, culvert repair or replacement, beaver dam control, snow removal and road-side mowing.

The Township continues to hire out the motorgrader to Cass County, Beulah and Thunder Lake Townships for road maintenance.

The Township replaced our old motor grader with a brand new one in 2006.

The road grader operated 490 hours vs. 504 hours in 2005.

The plow truck drove 3,370 miles vs. 1,789 miles in 2005.

Outlook for 2007:  The Township has agreed with Anderson Bros. to purchase 5000 yards of class #5 gravel at the price of $3.80 per yard from the Lone Wolf Pit for this years first gravel project.

The cuirrent plan is to gravel:  Longwood Point Rd., Lower Longwood Point Rd., Longwood Point Ln., Muchow Rd., and Coontail Dr.

The second summer project should include: Plummer's Point Rd., Parsonage Ln., Parsonage Trail and Andrus Lake Rd.

To continue clearing ROWs (Road-Right-of-Ways) for snow storage and safety.

April 12, 2007


Members present: Dave Schaumberg, Jean Prax, Michelle Kemper, Rod Schloesser, Don Anderson, Janet Smith & Glen Mechelke.   The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.   MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND PRAX TO APPROVE THE MARCH 8TH REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES.  Motion carried.    The treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $116,250.74.   SCLOESSER NOMINATED MICHELLE KEMPER TO BE CHAIRMAN FOR THE COMING YEAR, 2ND PRAX.  Motion carried.  KEMPER NOMINATED SCHLOESSER TO BE VICE CHAIRMAN FOR THE COMING YEAR, 2ND PRAX.  Motion carried.   The Chairman recommended we appoint two Road Supervisors due to the large increase in road activity over the last several years.  MOTION KEMPER, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO APPOINT TWO ROAD SUPERVISORS.  Motion carried.  MOTION KEMPER, 2ND PRAX TO APPOINT ROD SCHLOESSER AS ONE OF THE ROAD SUPERVISORS.  Motion carried.    MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO APPOINT ANDERSON AS 2ND ROAD SUPERVISOR.   Motion carried.   MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND PRAX TO APPOINT KEMPER AS BUILDING AND GROUNDS SUPERVISOR.  Motion carried.  MOTION KEMPER, 2ND ANDERSON TO APPOINT SCHAUMBERG AS PARKS SUPERVISOR.  Motion carried.   MOTION KEMPER, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO APPOINT PRAX AS WEBSITE SUPERVISOR.  Motion carried.   MOTION KEMPER, 2ND ANDERSON TO APPOINT SCHAUMBERG AS WEED INSPECTOR.  Motion carried.   MOTIOND KEMPER, 2ND PRAX TO APPOINT SCHLOESSER AS FIRE DEPT. REPRESENTATIVE.  Motion carried.

The new Outing library was discussed.  Discussed the bid to upgrade the library at the December monthly meeting.  The suggestion was made that the Crooked Lake Town Board receive regular monthly reports from the Library Board.  Kathy Pfaff gave a report on the library.  Discussed the entryway of the libary to avoid snow problems. Discussed volunteer library workers.  The Chairman requested a motion to allow the Library Board to obtain a permit to build an entryway.  Discussed the condition of the Library building.  Discussed the wisdom of putting a lot of money in an old building.  Kathy Pfaff felt that $5000 was not a lot of money.  The suggestion was made that a representative from the Town Board be at the Library mtgs.  Dan Switzer offered to donate his tome for dirt work at the Library if any was needed.   Discussed footings in the old Fire Hall.   PRAX MOVED, 2ND KEMPER TO ALLOW THE OUTING VOLUNTEER LIBRARY TO GET A PERMIT TO BUILD AN OVERHANG OVER THE LIBRARY DOOR AND BOOK DROP.  Voting:  Anderson-yes, Schaumberg-yes, Scloesser-yes, Prax-yes, Kemper-yes. Motion carried.    MOTION KEMPER, 2ND PRAX TO HAVE VOLUNTEERS AT THE OUTINF VOLUNTEER LIBRARY WHO ARE WORKING ON THE ADDITION, NEW ROO, ENTRYWAY ETC, TO SIGN A VOLUNTEER SERVICE STATEMENT AND AGREEMENT AND HAVE IT ON FILE WITH THE CLERK.  Motion carried.  MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO APPROVE WARRANTS #12118-12156.  Motion carried.     The fire report was given.  Discussed the Jaws of Life and certification fireman had received.  Discussed emergency generator for Township building and the Fire Hall.  There would be no cost for the generator.  Cost would be in setting it up.  The Board felt we should request a larger genmerator.   MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND PRAX TO ALLOW THE FIRE DEPT. TO OBTAIN A ONE DAY BEER LICENSE FOR THE FUN RUN IN OUTING TO BE HELD JULY 28TH, 2007.  Motion carried.     Discussed the clean up day for Crooked Lake Township and Beulah Township, May 5th, 2007 from 8am to 12 noon will be clean up day. The Clerk is to notify Northland Press to run the same notice as last with correction of dates.   Discussed credit card application for Business Solution.   Prax will be out of town for the Board of Review mtg.  

discussed the Town Hall rental agreement.  Schloesser met with Jerry Lamon in regard to the catway requested south of Gene Williams property.   The Cass County Highway Dept. is having a meeting on April 18th at 2pm and recommend we send Roger Olds, Rod Schloesser and Don Anderson.   Discussed the outside light on the Highway 6 side of the Town Hall.   Discussed windows in the Town Hall.  Discussed rain gutter for the Town Hall.  MOTION KEMPER, 2ND PRAX TO HIRE JAMEYS SEAMLESS GUTTERS TO INSTALL GUTTERS ON THE TOWN HALL AS PER QUOTE DATED 2-10-07 FOR $750.  Motion carried.   Schloesser met with Minnesota Assoc. of Townships representative to review all Town property and equipment.  The light on the flagpole needs to be replaced.  Discussed the need to replace the siding on the Town Hall.    The Town Hall will be used on the following dates:  April 26--6pm, Community Ed.  May 9--6-9pm, Land Use Dept. of Cass County.  May 16th---12:30-3pm, Community Ed.    MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND KEMPER TO CONTINUE TO USE TOM BORDEN AS OUR TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY.   Motion carried.   Anderson was involved in the septic problem behind the Ice Cream shop. A plan to preserve water is being worked on.    Schaumberg met with Dan Switzer.  Switzer turned over Township keys, notebook and information he had for road and bridges and also previous years quotes for hauling etc.   Discussed short course.    Tom Borden sent answers to Gerald Baine in regard to interrogatories presented to the Town Board concerning the vacation of a road on Wood Lake.   The Clerk reminded the Supervisors of the need to made sure they received copies of liability insurance and workmen's compensation from all contractors doing work for Crooked Lake Township.   Kirk Smith has volunteered to put a revised message on the Township answering machine.   Completion Certificates are not needed if the amount is less than $5000 on contracts.   MOTION SCHLOESSER,2ND KEPER THAT TAPE RECORDED INFORMATION AT TOWN BOARD MTGS WOULD BE USED FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND NOT OFFICIAL TOWNSHIP MINUTES.  Motion carried.  The Chairman thanked Dan Switzer and Lynda Halstensen for their three-year terms on the Town Board.  Discussed hauling the old Fire Dept tanker to Willow River.    The Board of Review will be held April 27, 2007 at 12 noon at the Crooked Lake Town Hall.    Kim Hughes is still the Deputy Clerk.  She has been serving in that capacity for 32 years.   Discussed road inspection requirements in regard to posting notices etc.     Newly elected officers are sworn in to office 10 days after election.   Jack Schuller questioned what part Tony Gilcrest played as Township Attorney.    MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO AFJOURN.   Motion carried.

                         Glen Mechelke, Clerk               jmp




May 10, 2007


Members present:  Anderson, Prax, Schloesser, Schaumberg, Kemper, Smith & Mechelke.   The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.    Minutes of the April '07 Monthly Mtg. was corrected to read Prax was appointed as Building and Grounds Supervisor and C.P.R. Training was also received at the Training session.     MOTION PRAX SECOND SCHLOESSER TO APPROVE THE MONTHLY APRIL MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS.   Motion carried.     The Treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $116,250.74.    MOTION SCHLOESSER, SECOND SCHAUMBERG TO PAY WARRANTS 12157-12192.    Motion carried.     The Fire Dept report was given.  Discussed used truck available for rescue work.    Discussed the electricbill for the Maintenance Bdg. and Fire Hall.    Prax requested that some  of the building and  grounds responsibility be switched to other Supervisors. The Supervisors agreed to this.    Discussed Town Hall rentals and the dance-excercise classes.    The old sandbox has been taken out of Luscher's Park.  The seeding around the basketball court has not worked out.   Discussed mowing of the Township grounds.   Discussed the website.   Class 5 is available through Cass County.   New gutters have been installed on the Town Hall.   Dan Madland will take over grass cutting for the Township.    Discussed storing ATV training material in the Fire Hall.    Discussed the May 5th Clean Up day in Crooked Lake Township..More help is needed at Clean Up day and stricter regulations should be inforced.   Discussed rocks along the Peninsula Road at 2065.   The Clerk is to write a letter to the owner of the property to clean up the location of property lines.   Discussed emergency fuel oil storage.   Discussed the use of liquor in the Town Hall.   Discussed adopting the rental agreement for the Town Hall prepared by the Minnesota Assn. of Townships.    MOTION SCHAUMBERG SECOND KEMPER TO ADOPT THE TOWNSIP HALL RENTAL POLICY SUGGESTED BY THE MINNESOTA ASSN. OF TOWNSHIPS AND INCLUDE A LIST OF POSSIBLE LAW ENFORCEMENT INDIVIDUALS AVAILABLE IF LIQUOR IS TO BE SERVED.   Motion carried.    Discussed property lines at Luscher's Park.   Discussed the problem that no limit on tires caused at clean-up day on May 5th.  Information has been sent out to area contractors to submit sealed bids for gravel loading and hauling on Longwood Point Rd., Lower Longwood Point Rd., Longwood Point Lane, Muchow Road & Coontail Drive.  Sealed bids are to be received no later than June 14th, 2007.   Discussed the weed reports for the Township.  Discussed the dock at Luscher's Park.  Schaumberg received quotes for anew dock at Luscher's Park.   Schaumberg discussed the need of new dock with the D.N.R. in Brainerd.  Hank, from the Brainerd office of the D.N.R., contacted Schaumberg.  There would be a 24 ft. and a 30 ft. dock available from the D.N.R. in June, July, or Aug., at no charge to the Township.   The Board felt that the old dock at Luscher's Park would be adequate until a new dock could be obtained.   MOTION SCHAUMBERG SECOND KEMPER TO LET THE D.N.R. KNOW THE TOWNSHIP WOULD LIKE THE 24 FOOT DOCK WHEN IT BECAME AVAILABLE.  Motion carried.   First Call information out of Grand Rapids will be updated.   First quarter billing for '07 has been sent out to Cass County, Beulah Township, and Thunder Lake Township.   Discussed what was going on with the siren situation as the Township has been receiving calls.  New credit cards have been received.   New officer information has been updated for Cass County and Assn. of Townships.   The levy introduced at the Annual Mtg. has been sent to Cass Co.    The old Township computer has died.  The Township Clerk's information installed on the new Township computer in the new Township office has been removed by an unknown party.  Schloesser will try to get someone to find out what happened and to try to reinstall information.  A $1000 grant has been received for the project entitled "Outing Volunteer Library Summer Storytime and Activities".  Carol Pierce will be contacted as procedures must be followed.    The Chairman has received one variance.   Discussed the Gervais application for vacating the Road on Wood Lake.    MOTION SCHLOESSER SECOND KEMPER WHEREAS, RICHARD G. GERVAIS AND SHIRLEY A. GERVAIS, HAVE PETITIONED THE CASS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT TO VACATE A PORTION OF PINEHURST STREET IN THE PLAT OF KAVLI'S WOOD LAKE SHORES WHICH RUNS THROUGH LOT 49, KAVLI'S WOOD LAKE SHORES, AND WHEREAS, THE STREET SOUGHT TO BE VACATED PROVIDES THE ONLY MEANS OF PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE CANAL AND PUBLIC LAND ADJACENT TO THE CANAL, AND WHEREAS, THE TOWN BOARD OF CROOKED LAKE BELIEVES THAT LAND ACCESS SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO SUCH PUBLIC LAND FOR USE BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF CROOKED LAKE THAT THE TOWN OPPOSES SAID APPLICATION AND REQUESTS THAT THE CASS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DENY THE APPLICATION.  THIS RATIFIES AND CONFIRMS THE POSITION THE  TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF CROOKED LAKE  HAS TAKEN ON THIS MATTER SINCE IT WAS FIRST NOTIFIED OF THE APPLICATION.   Members votiong: Anderson, yes- Kemper, yes-Schloesser, yes-Schaumberg, yes-Prax, yes.  Motion carried.    The following businesses from downtown Outing appeared in regard to renewing their liquor licences:  The Board approved Shadberry, Pestellos and Lake Country Grocery and Liquor.    MOTION PRAX, SECOND SCHLOESSER TO ADJOURN.   Motion carried.

                                                    Glenn Mechelke, Clerk               jmp

June 14, 2007


The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Members present:  Glen Mechelke, Janet Smith, Don Anderson, Dave Schaumburg, Jean Prax and Rod Schloesser.

A letter was received from Michelle Kemper resigning from the Town Board.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHAUMBURG TO ACCEPT KEMPER’S RESIGNATION AND DECLARE THE SUPERVISOR’S POSITION OPEN.  Motion carried.



The Treasurer’s report showed a bank balance of $80915.05.

Discussed the open Supervisor position.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHAUMBURG TO APPOINT JOHN LENTHARD TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF MICHELLE KEMPER.  Voting:  Anderson-yes, Schaumburg-yes, Mechelke-yes, Prax-no, Schloesser-yes.  Motion carried.

The Clerk presented Lenthard with the certificate of appointment notice to fill the Town Board Supervisor vacancy.   Lenthard took the Oath of Office from the Township Clerk.

MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHAUMBURG TO PAY WARRANTS # 12193—12227 EXCLUDING 12220.  Motion carried.

Jamie and Tania Prax presented siren information to the Town Board.  Over $5000 has been raised.  Discussed the possibility of setting up a committee to investigate siren locations etc.

The Library was discussed.  The need for directional signs to the Library was discussed.


Motion carried.  Friends of the Library group requested information on fund raising for the Library.

Discussed Canister pick up.

Cass county hazardous waste collection day is Aug. 3rd from 12—4:30 PM at the Canister Station.

The Town Ship website will be upgraded.

Two new coffee pots are needed at the Town Hall.  Discussed renting chairs and tables to individuals.  Discussed Township Hall rental policy.  Discussed fees for the use of the Town Hall. 

Information has been received that an officer can be supplied by Cass County for events at the Town Hall involving liquor.  The cost would be $35 an hour and 3-hour minimum.

Discussed the grant money received for children’s activities at the Library.  The $1000 grant money will be put in the Community Fund.

Discussed prepay for L.P. gas to be used next year.

Discussed use of tags on individual garbage bags instead of the Township supplying bags.  This would save a considerable amount of money.

A new mower and weed whip has been purchased for the Township.

Window prices for the Town Hall have been obtained.

Discussed the Northern Light Investment group’s development in Emily on the south end of Roosevelt Lake.

Water has been diverted away from the Town Hall on the Highway 6 side.

Discussed the dam and culvert at Lake George.

Discussed chloride from Cass County to be used on Township Roads.

The ball court area in Luscher’s Park has been raked and seeded.  The fence has been repaired.

The median has been mowed in the Down Town and surrounding area.

The siren on Peninsula Road was tested and does not work.  The siren in Downtown Outing works.

The discharge line from the Town Hall toward Highway 6 has been buried.

Discussed the County Pit at Thunder Lake.

Vogt’s Dirt Service will crush Class 5 @ $2.42 per yard.  County royalty would be 65 cents for a total cost to the Township of approximately $3.07 per yard. They would make the Township’s own pile.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHAUMBURG TO HAVE VOGT’S DIRT SERVICE CRUSH $12,110.00 WORTH OF CLASS 5.  Motion carried.

Discussion held to try to make arrangements to order more Class 5 if possible.

A volunteer has offered to put minutes and other information on the Township web site.

Prax stated that it was being taken care of.

A new fire truck has arrived at the cost of $11,025.  The Fire Dept. was authorized to spend up to $15,000.  The Fire Dept. is disposing of surplus property.  All but one physical has been completed for Fire Dept. personnel. Discussed increased insurance needed at the Fire Dept. dance.  A debit card has been authorized for the Fire Dept.

Fourteen 911 calls have been received up to June 13th.  An average of 4 members respond to each call.  Bev Gains, Rick Meyer and Patsy Burnjhelm have completed the requirement to be an E.M.T.  Six of the 10 members will be E.M.T.’s.

Dan Switzer will continue to represent Crooked Lake Township on the Tax District Board.

Discussed a letter from Linda Dahlsgaard to regard to drainage problems in her area.  The Board will investigate the problems.

Discussed camping in the Township ball field on Cass Co. 48.  The suggestion was made to put the gate back up with proper signs for the use of the area.

Discussed brushing of Township roads.


The sealed bids for hauling 5,500 yard of Class 5 were opened: 

Gothman Excavating Inc.—bid $33,825.00

Outing Sand & Gravel—bid $30,250.00

Cass County Construction—bid $41,250.00

Wagner Excavating—bid $28,820.00

Roosevelt Lake Service—bid $35,200.00


The 2006 population is estimated at 516 in Crooked Lake Township


The Wood Lake vacation of Canal Street is being worked on by Steve Baker and the Cass County Recorder.

The individual with rocks along his property on Peninsula Road has contacted Rod Schloesser.

Discussed Class 5 for the turn around on Plummer’s Point road.

Discussed dual fuel for use in the Township.

Discussed setting up a separate meter etc. for the Library to more accurately measure costs.



                                 Glen Mechelke, Clerk.

July 12, 2007


The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.    Members present: Don Anderson, John Leuthard, Rod Schloesser, Glen Mechelke and Janet Smith.   The June Mtg. minutes were discussed.  The Clerk reported a typo in John Leuthard's name. Sara Fairbanks was present at the siren presentation last month.  MOTION ANDERSON 2ND LEUTHARD TO APPROVE THE JUNE MONTHLY MTG. MINUTES WITH THE TWO ADDITIONS.   Motion carried.    The Treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $140,350.41.  MOTION ANDERSON 2ND LEUTHARD TO APPROVE THE TREASURER'S REPORT.  Motion carried.   The Fire Dept. report:  
There were approximately 450 people at the Fireman's Dance.  The profit from the dance was approximately $275.  The new Fire Dept. truck is being worked on.  New equipment is needed for the Fire Dept.    Discussed new proposed sirens for Crooked Lake Township.     E.M.T. Report:  Discussed taxing district.  Discussed possible new equipment.  There are now 6 E.M.T.'s amd 4 First Responders.  A financial statement showed a bank balance of $3171.93  and C.D. of $5175.41.    Citizens of Smokey Hollow Lake questioned legal aspects of the new Northern Lights development south of Crooked Lake Township in Crow Wing County.  Discussed the road that would service the new development.  It was stated that Cass Co. has not been contacted about the new development.    A resident questioned the condition of the floor tile in the north end of the Town Hall.    A resident questioned the parking of vehicles on the road right of way behind Owls and Things, Lang's Store and Land'O Lakes Marine.    Discussed the new propsed sirens for Crooked Lake Township.  Estimated costs were presented.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHLOESSER THAT CDROOKED LAKE TOWNSHIP DONATE $5000 TOWARD THE NEW SIRENS.  Motion carried.    Household hazardous waste collection will be held August 3rd at the Town Hall canister site from 12 noon to 4:30 p.m.      Cass County Environmental Services will be at the Town Hall on July 19th at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the Cass County proposed development standards.   MOTION LEUTHARD, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO FUND UP TO $500 FOR THE LIBRARY TO SET UP A NON-PROFIT 501 (c) (3) CORP.  Motion carried.    Discussed the recycling mess at the Canister Station on 4th of July weekend.   Discussed the possibility of a fence between the Canister Station and private property to prevent cardboard paper, etc. from blowing onto private property.  An 8 ft. fence at a cost of approximately $1000 would probably solve the problem.  Schaumberg has received a bid to install windows and doors in the Town Hall.  The total cost of windows, doors,etc. would be approximately $3250.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND LEUTHARD TO AUTHRIZE SCHAUMBERG TO PROCEED WITH THE PROJECT NOT TO EXCEED $3,250.  Motion carried.   Prax has been given information of officers available to work at the Town Hall when alcohol is being served.    7000 tons of Class 5 has been produced for Crooked Lake Township and has been placed in a seperate pile.   Dust coating has beenplaced on Peninsula Road by Iowa Camp.   Wagner will start of haul Class 5 on Monday morningf July 16th.    Parsonage Road has problems on the upper end.  A gate has been installed at the Crooked Lake Ballpark.   Discussed service from Nortrax  for the new Township grader.   The Township will be obtaining a brusher to brush Township roads.  The tentative agreement is for the first week in August.   MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO OBTAIN PERIODIC SERVICES FROM NORTRAX FOR THE TOWNSHIP GRADER AS LONG AS THE WARRANTY IS IN EFFECT.  Motion carried.   MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND LEUTHARD TO ORDER BRUSHING MACHINE FOR APPROXIMATELY 80 HOURS AT A COST OF APPROXIMATELY 43500.  Motion carried.   Discvussed employee wages.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO RAISE ROGER OLD'S SALARY 3% AND THE REST OF THE EMPLOYEE'S $1 PER HOUR. Motion carried.   Discussed the 1/2 ton truck that the Township is purchasing from the D.N.R.   The truck will have to be painted and lettering put on it.   MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND ANDERSON TO PURCHASE THE TRUCK FROM THE D.N.R. FOR $1000. Motioon carried.   The Township has received letters from Tim Loney giving the Township permission to remove trees and work on the road at his property,   Discussed the need of a new lawn mower.  MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND LEUTHARD TO PURCHASE A NEW RIDING LAWN MOWER  FOR UP TO $2500.  Motion carried.  Discussed Township insurance on Twonship buildings.  The Township will investigate replacement costs.   Discussed Township cleanup day.  It should be held in Sept. of 2007.  Discussed people's use of the State Highway right of way in downtown Outing.   Schloesser and Anderson would like to meet with Dave Enblom in regard to obtaining more Class 5 from the Cass County pit.   The Town Board Chairman would like to go to the Cass County Commisioner's meetings.   Discussed zoning maps for Crooked Lake Township.  The Clerk will obtain more information.   Discussed Canal Street vacation.   A Short Course will be held July 27th in Grand Rapids.  People going will leave the Town Hall at 7:30 a.m.    The phone located in the storage room in the Fire Hall should be cancelled.   Cass County has paid for membership in C.P.V. which includes all Townships.   The damage to the dock on Roosevelt Lake is not covered by Township insurance.   Truck Cab insurance cards were given to the Chairman.  Extra credit cards have been received.   The new truck for the Fire Dept. has been registered and insured.   Quarterly billing for roadwork will be sent out to Cass County, Beulah Township, and Thunder Lake Township. The Clerk will bill Beulah Township for Clean Up Day and Clean Up Day advertising.  Beulah Township will be billed for Fire Dept Services.  Discussed grants for improving handicap voting at polling places.      MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND ANDERSON TO  APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LITTLETON ENTERPRISE AT THE VILLAGE INN DINING SALOON.  Motion carried.    MOTION LEUTHARD, 2ND ANDERSON TO PAY WARRANTS 12230-12267.  Motion carried.   MOTION LEUTHARD, 2ND ANDERSON TO ADJOURN.  Motion carried. 

                                 Glen Mechelke, Clerk

                                  Jean Prax

Aug. 9, 2007


The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.  Members present:  Rod Schloesser, Jean Prax, John Leuthard, Dave Schaumberg, Don Anderson, Janet Smith, & Glen Mechelke.  MOTION PRAX, 2ND LEUTHARD TO APPROVE THE JULY 12TH MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES.  Motion carried.  The Treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $74,735.78.  MOTION PRAX, 2ND LEUTHARD TO APPROVE THE TREAUSER'S REPORT. Motion carried.   The Fire Dept. report was given.  Discussed Cab Cards.  Discussed painting the 1/2 ton truck.  The Fire Dept. was called to the Deer Haven Fire. New radios have been purchased. Discussed Fire Dept. supplies that have been purchased. Discussed the location of the new proposed siren in the downtown Outing area. The EMT report discussed money on hand and future possibilities of money.  Discussed the rescue truck.  Discussed if it was necessary for the Fire Dept. personnel and the EMT personnel to be present at every Township monthly meeting to give reports.   Discussed the library and future heating and electrical hookups. There is presently a 100 amp service. It will probably require 200 amp service. A grant was received from Crow Wing Power for the library. Discussed the outside of the library building and the roof.   Prax reported that she deposited $1230 of canister bag sales.   A coffee pot for the Town Hall has been ordered.  The cost will be approximately $170.  Prax is trying to obtain another dumpster for the recclalbes at the Canister Station.  There were 46 households at Households Hazardous Waste Collections Day on Aug. 3rd.  Clean up Day is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 22nd.  The advertisement will be changed to read that only 4 tires and 2 household appliances will be asccepted for each household.    Leuthard discussed that insurance costs for the Township.  The Board will go to $1000 deductible on vehicles.  Discussed the deadline for new proposed values for Township buildings by the insurance company.   Windows have been orederd for the Town Hall.  Wood pack for the windows and doors has also been ordered.   The park playground equipment has frost heaves.  Class 5 hauling has been completed on Longwood and Muchow Roads.  Nortrax has completed 600-hour grader service.  Culvert marking signs have been moved back so that they won't interfere with the snowplowing.  Class 5 has been applied to approximately 1/2 of Plummer Point Road.  A bad windstorm blew down trees on many of the Township roads.  Class 5 has been stockpiled at the Township shop for emergency and regular roadwork.  The brusher scheduled for Aug. 8th is scheduled for next week as problems have occured.    MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO APPROVE ANDERSON'S PREPARED BID SHEETS TO SUBMIT BIDS TO HAVE 880 YARDS OF CLASS 5 PUT ON PARSONAGE LANE ROAD AND PLUMMER POINT ROAD.  Motion carried.   Discussed the mileage paid by the Township.  The board felt that most of the time that people picked up supplies etc for the Townshop that they also did personal things during that time.  The Board agreed to only pay mileage one way unless it was an emergency. A warrant for mileage is to state where the mileage was to and the purpose of the trip.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND LEUTHARD TO PAY MILEAGE FOR THE TOWNSHIP ONE WAY UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY TRIP. THE WARRANT TO STATE WHERE MILEAGE WAS TO AND THE PURPOSE OF THE TRIP.  Motion carried.   Schaumberg has been in contact with the DNR in regard to the dock the Township hoped to obtain from the DNR.   Discussed Class 5 for parking lots.  The Township would have to pay the 6 1/2% sales tax for Class 5 used on Township parking lots.   Discussed hourly wages for Township officers when it was necessary for them to work for the Township that was above their monthly salary work.  MOTION SCHLOESSER, 2ND ANDERSON TO SET THE HOURLY RATE FOR SUPERVISORS, CLERK, AND TREASURER @$15 FOR WORK DONE NOT INCLUDED IN THEIR MONTHLY SALARY.  Motion carried.   Schloesser had met with our County Commissioner Jeff Peterson to discuss issues in Crooked Lake Township.   Roger Brekken, of the Inititiave Foundation Healthy Lakes and Rivers, would like to meet with the Crooked Lake Town Board at their Sept. 12th monthly meeting to discuss issues concerning lake quality.  Money is available for projects.  Residents are invited.  Schaumberg, Schloesser, and Anderson attended Equalization Board training at the Short Course in Grand Rapids.    Discussed magnesium chloride for roads in '08 and '09.   Discussed the planning meeting held July 19th by Cass County in the Town Hall.   Little Pine Township in Crow Wing County has asked to use the Crooked Lake fire truck for fire protection when the culvert on Little Pine Road is being replaced.    MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND SCHLOESSER TO AUTHORIZE USE OF THE FIRE TRUCK BY LITTLE PINE TOWNSHIP.   Motion carried.   Discussed propane used by the Township for next season.  MOTION SCHAUMBERG, 2ND PRAX TO PURCHASE 1500 GALLONS OF PROPANE $1.73 PER GALLON FOR NEXT YEAR.  Motion carried.   The Clerd billed Thunder Lake Township $450, Cass County $3265 and Beulah Township $1165.50 for roadwork done in the 2nd quarter of 2007.   Discussed the Bald Eagle Point development.   Discussed receiving the Crow Wing Power electric bills too late to pay at the regular monthly meetings.  The Treasurer will provide more information to the State of Minnesota in regard to debt and investments for 2006.  Call Nichol at 1-651-297-3684.   Discussed EMS special taxing district meeting report provided by Dan Switzer.   Discussed current land use and proposed changes in land use in Cass County.   MOTION JOHN LEUTHARD, 2ND JEAN PRAX OFFERED RESOLUTION NO. 3-2007 AND MOVED ITS ADOPTION:   Whereas, under Section 904 of the Land Use Ordinance for Cass County, Minnesota, Cass County must maintain current land use district maps, and; Whereas, reclassifications and other proposed land use changes render the current use district maps inaccurate and incomplete, and; Whereas, Cass County has provided a copies of the current and proposed land use district maps to the Township for review, and;   Whereas, the Township Board has reviewed changes, if any, to these proposed land use district maps for this Township.   Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Board of Supervisors of Crooked Lake Township does hereby approve the proposed Cass County land use district map for this Township. Resolution No. 3-2007 was adopted by majority vote: Ayes: 5 Nays: 0.   MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND LEUTHARD TO PAY WARRANT 12268-1231- WITH THE EXCEPTION OF 12289.  Motion carried.  MOTION PRAX, 2ND LEUTHARD TO ADJOURN.  Motion carried

                                     Glenn Mechelke, Clerk

                                          Jean Prax 

Sept. 13, 2007


The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given,   Members present:  Rod Scloesser, Jean Prax, John Leuthard, Dave Schaumburg, Don Anderson, Janet Smith, and Glenn Mechilde.   MOTION PRAX, 2ND LEUTHARD TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 9TH MONTHLY MTG. MINUTES.  Motion carried.  Bids were opened for the road project and were as follows:    Gothmann Excavating----$3872     Roosevelt Lake Service, Inc----$4532, plus truck weighing hours     Wagner Excavating-----$4576     Outing Sand & Gravel----$5060     Meyers Excavating-----$5700        Cass Co. Construction-----$6820, plus truck weighing hours     MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND PRAX TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF GOTHMANN EXCAVATING.  Motion carried.     Roger Brekken of the RALALA board of Directors presented information on septic systems, water runoff, etc.  He stated Crooked Lake Township contained 83% land and 17% water.  It was suggested a committee be set up to consider what action Crooked Lake Township might take to help resolve pollution problems.  Information was given in regard to money available for studies, actions etc.    The Treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $86827.54.   MOTION PRAX, 2ND ANDERSON TO ACCEPT THE TREASURER'S REPORT.  Motion carried.    MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND PRAX TO APPROVE THE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LAKE COUNTRY GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE.  Motion carried.  A report was given on the progress of the Library.  Discussed heat source and duct work for the Library.    Siren report was given.  Sirens have been shipped and will be installed the first week in October.  Sirens will be programmed and set off through 911.   Discussed roads ending in lakes.   Leonard Lokken presented a letter to the Township in regard to access to his property.    Crooked Lake Township and Beulah Township clean up day will be held Sept. 22 from 7 a.m. til noon.    October use of the Town Hall is pretty full.   Discussed insurance for Township property.   Information has been obtained from Brainerd Insurance Agency.  An agent will attend the October Board Mtg. if requested.    Discussed a possible addition to the Treasurer's report that would more clearly show money spent and money available in various funds.   The Park grounds have been worked on.   Dan Madland is doing cleaning in the Fire Hall.   A quote of $1830 for electrical work at the Fire Hall has been received.  Electrical work for the gas tank outside the building would run $650 if needed.    K&M gave sign quotes for signs proposed for the Fire Hall, of $3000 and $1150.   MOTION SCHAUMBERG, 2ND PRAX TO ORDER LOWER PRICED SIGN FOR $1150 AND APPROVE THE COST OF LIGHTING FOR THE SIGN.   Motion carried.    Discussed the legality of the Fire Dept. and the Library having their own checking accounts.    Discussed the procedure for handling bills received during the month that needed paying.    Windows in the Town Hall will be installed in mid October.  Doors will need to be purchased for the Town Hall.    Discussed electric meter for the Library that will show the amount of electricity used at the Library.    A new John Deer mower has been purchased for the Township from Northwoods Equipment.  Northwoods appraised the old mower at $200 tops.   MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND PRAX TO SELL THE OLD MOWER FOR $200.  Motion carried.     Various road problems have been worked on by the Township.   A new culvert has been installed on Parsonage Road in preparation of Class 5 to be applied in late September.   A sign up sheet has been prepared for clean up day to keep track of traffic.   The Township is experiencing problems with the brusher and have 2 or 3 more days of brushing left.   Discussed the use of credit cards by the Township.   MOTION LEUTHARD, 2ND ANDERSON THAT THE TOWNSHIP SHOULD ACQUIRE A CREDIT CARD FOR THE PURCHASE OF NORMAL MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES.  THE CHAIRMAN OR VICE CHAIRMAN WILL HOLD THE CARD.   THE CARD MAY BE GIVEN OUT FOR USE AND INVOICES WILL BE RETURNED BY THE CARD TO MATCH UP WITH THE MONTHLY STATEMENTS.  Motion carried.    At the time lighting is installed for the new Fire Hall sign the inside of the Fire Hall will also be worked on.   A scarifier is available in Emily.  MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND LEUTHARD TO PURCHASE THE SCARIFIER FROM EMILY FOR $1500.  Motion carried.    Discussed the relocation of the power pole by Crow Wing Power on Fehrs Road.  A dead tree has been removed east of the Town Hall.    The arranty for the new John Deer mower will be sent in now that informationon the new mower has been received.   More books are being donated to the Outing Library.    Resolution approving the proposed Cass County land use district map has been sent to Cass County.   Discussed the prepaid L&P gas bill at $1.73 per gallon.   The District Mtg. is being held Wed. Sept. 26th at 7pm at Northern Lights in Walker.   The fall Annual Mtg. of Cass County Townships is being held Oct. 4th at 10 am at Bear Paw Theatre in Hackensack.   MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND PRAX TO PAY WARRANTS #12311-12343.  Motion carried.   MOTION PRAX, 2ND ANDERSON TO ADJOURN.  Motion carried.

                               Glenn Mechelke, Clerk

                                   Jean Prax, Supervisor

Oct. 11,2007



The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.   Members present:  Don Anderson, Dave Schaumberg, John Leuthard, Jean Prax, Rod Schloesser, Janet Smith and Glen Mechelke.   MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER MONTHLY MTG. MINUTES.  Motion carried.    The Treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $47,523.49.  The Treasurer's report was approved as presented.    Roger Brekken's report on suggestions for Crooked Lake Township's involvement in sewer system inspections was given to the Township for filing.  Discussed Cass County's involvement in sewer inspections.  The County requires sewer inspection if any permits for building additions etc. are applied for by property owners.  The County reauires sewer inspections if property changes hands.    The Board felt that Cass County was doing a good job in regard to sewer upgrades and felt the Township should not get involved in any additional inspections.  Discussed money available to the Township for additional inspections.  A Township resident pointed out that surveys taken in Crooked Lake Township showed that citizens felt upgrading sewer systems etc. was very important in Crooked Lake Township.  Citizens would like to form a committee to investigate the pros and cons of the Township becoming more involved in sewer system upgrade etc.  Citizens were told they were welcome to investigate options for upgrading sewer systems etc. in Crooked Lake Township without a directive from the Crooked Lake Township Board.        The Fire Dept. reported that they had no fires last month.  The Fire Dept. has 9 per cent of their budget left.   Discussed grant money.  There are 5 new fire fighters coming on line.    First Responders sent a report to the Town Board.  Their bank balance as of Sept. 30, 2007 is $6559.80.  They have $5175.41 in a C.D.  They have responded to 36 - 911 Emergency calls through Sept. 2007.  They are concerned about the potential costs of new 800 MG radios when the State and the County go to that system in the near future.     Brainerd Insurance Agency presented an insurance proposal to Crooked Lake Township for their building, eqiupment etc.       There were 71 vehicles that brought items for the fall clean up.  There were 64 from Crooked Lake and 7 from Beulah Township.  Discussed one clean up day for next year.  Probably it would be held in early June.  Discussed possibly having it on two days.  Perhaps Fri. and Sat.    Leonard Lokken appeared in regard to roads ending at lakeshore.  This was tabled until more input is received from the County and or the D.N.R.   The Library report appeared on the agenda.  Crooked Lake Township received a huge increase in insurance premiums on all Township buildings due to the appraised value of buildings by the Insurance companies appraiser.  This generated a closer look at all Township buildings by the Town Board,  The poor shape of the old Fire Hall, which houses the new Library, was especially noticed.  An independent inspector was brought in at no cost to the Township.  The inspector pointed out that there is no building code in Cass County.  There was a list of several concerns that should be considered for immediate action.   MOTION LEUTHARD, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO IMMEDIATELY CEASE ALLCONSTRUCTION WORK ON THE OLD FORE HALL BUILDING AND THAT THE LIBRARY AND ITS OPERATIONS ON THAT SITE CEASE UNTIL SUITABLE HOUSING CAN BE OBTAINED.  Township residents became very involved in the Library discussions at this time.  It was pointed out what a great asset to the community the Library was.  Two letters were read in regard to the anticipated closing of the Library  Both strongly objected to the closing.  The Outing Chamber of Commerce pointed out that they had donated a significant amount of money to the Library.  There were 62 people that signed the registration book at the Town Board Mtg.  It appeared that the majority were not interested in building a new facility for the Library.  The liability of Township officials was pointed out.  It was again pointed out that there is no building code in Cass County.  The suggestion was made that the Township find out just what the State code requires in a building.   Vote was taken on the motion to cease all construction on the Library.  Voting:  Prax-no, Leuthard-yes, Anderson-no, Schaumberg-no, Schloesser-no.  Motion failed.    MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND PRAX THAT THE TOWN BOARD RECOMMEND THE LIBRARY BOARD INSTALL A REAR EXIT, HARD WIRE SMOKE DETECTORS, REMOVE MOLD, RAFTERS INSPECTED AND REPLACED IF NECESSARY, HAVE INSURANCE CO. INSPECT THE BUILDING, HAVE THE BUILDING INSPECTED BY STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, ISLES TO BE 36 INCHES WIDE AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER PUT IN THE BUILDING.  Motion carried by a unaimous vote.       Jean Prax reported that the Outing Chamber plans a Family fun Day at Luscher's Park.  Insurance coverage for this type of event shuold be checked.  John leuthard gave a report on the electric use in various Township buildings.   Faucets have been repaired or replaced in the Town Hall.   The Township is having problems with the new John Deer tractor.   The dock for Luscher's Park will be furnished by the D.N.R. in the spring of 2008.   The Canister Station shelter is being worked on.   MOTION SCHAUMBERG, 2ND PRAX TO ACCEPT THE KNOX BID OF $1830.00 TO COMPLETE THE ELECTRICAL WORK IN THE FIRE HALL.  Motion carried.   Brushing of Townships roads has been completed.   Class 5 project on Parsonage Lane, Parsonage Trail, and Plummer Point Rd. has been completed.  There are approximately 4000 yds. of Class 5 left in the County pit that is owned by Crooked Lake Township.  There has been no progress on the Nelson Cartway.   Credit cards are being applied for at Unity Bank.  Township plat maps have been located.Information the Smokey Hollow Road has been obtained from County Court House, document #147751 page 40 of records.  The Canal Street resolution is still being worked on.  A check has been received for the old lawn mower.   Nichole at the State Auditor's office (telephone #651-297-3684) has been sent requested information on outstanding Township debt.   The new emergency vehicle does not need license plates.      MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO PAY WARRANTS 12345-12378.   Motion carried.    MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO ADJOURN.   Motion carried.  


                                  Glenn Mechelke, Clerk

                                  Jean Prax, Supervisor   

Nov.8, 2007

The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.     Members present:  Rod Schloesser, Jean Prax, John Leuthard. Dave Schaumberg, Don Anderson, Janet Smith and Glen Mechelkke.    Hand-wired smoke detectors, wording in the Oct. minutes, should be changed to hard wired.   MOTION DAVE SCHAUMBERG, 2ND PRAX TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER MINUTES WITH THE ABOVE CORRECTION.  Motion carried.     The Treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $36,042.10.   Ed Evans gave the Library report.  Work is progressing at the Library.  Consolidated Telephone Co. gave the Library free internet and phone service for one year.   Rod Schloesser and John Leuthard met with a state fire inspector and went through the old Fire Hall.  The lady's name was Patricia (Pat) South and she lives in Grand Rapids.  Pat will be following up with a report to the Township that we expect to receive sometime late next week.  The following are the issues that we can expect in the report:  1. The Library needs four hard wired smoke detectors plus a heat detector in the adjacent storage area where the tractor is located. All detectors must be connected.  2. The adjacent storage area must be walled off with fire rated sheet rock.  3. A rear exit must be provided with 36" unencumbered access provided from both rooms.  4. Two fire extinguishers must be provided, locating one at each door.  5.  If the South end of building, typically used to store plows and mechanical, is also used to store gas or oil then the area would have to be seperated by fire rated sheet rock wall to roof. Likely a heat sensor would also have to be installed and connected with the library sensors.     We also sasked Pat to look at the Town Hall to see if she noted any issues there.  1. She expressed some concern with the stove and the small exhaust hood and the paneling behind the stove.  2. She also noted that we should have a couple more smoke detectors plus one in the asement.  3. The ocuupancy sign 205 people should be modified to maximum 120 people if tables and chairs are used, like with a wedding reception.   Generally she saw no pressing issues in the building given the infrequent use also noting that most of the kitchen is used for potluck type functions with the stove being used infrequently.   John Leuthard reported on the new format, to be used by the Treasurer, to supply additional information at the regular Town Board meetings in regard to the Township various funds.   The Clerk reported on disbursements in the Road and Bridge funds for each month starting Jan. 1, 2007.  He also reported a beginning balance of the Road and Bridge fund of $102,145.83.  The Township residents also approved a request of $120,00.00 to be received in 2007.  Jean Prax reported there was little use of the Town Hall this month.    John Leuthard reported that the insurance man from Brainerd will be at our next regular meeting.  Dave Schaumberg reported that lights have been installed at the Fire Hall, both inside and outside.  Windows have been installed in the Town Hall.  Doors will be installed in the next couple weeks.   MOTION SCHAUMBERG, 2ND PRAX TO RENT A SCISSOR LIFT TO INSTALL THE NEW FIRE HALL SIGN.  THE LIFT NOT TO EXCEED $400.  Motion carried.  Discussed electrical hook ups for various Township buildings.  The Board would like to have seperate hook ups for each building.   MOTION SCHAUMBERG, 2ND LEUTHARD TO UPGRADE SERVICE TO THE LIBRARY, BRINGING 200 AMP SERVICE TO THE POLE AND 100 AMP SERVICE INTO THE LIBRARY.  Motion carried.    Don Anderson and Rod Schloesser met with Dave Enblom. county Engineer, in regard to future Class 5 for the Township.  On October 30th Don nd Rod met with the County road supervisor and County engineer to examine future site for Class 5.  The site is located on County land in Beulah Township and it looks promising.   On October 23rd Don and Rod met with John Sumption and Tami Fairbanks to discuss septic system updates and environmental issues in the County and Crooked Lake Township.  John Sumption will speak at the December 13th regular Town Board Mtg.   Class 5 is being applied in the area by the Fire Dept. building and the Canister Station.  Snowplows are being installed on Township equipment.    Discussed Mutual Aid agreement with Cuyuna Range in regard to the Fire Dept.   MOTION PRAX, 2ND LEUTHARD TO APPROVE A MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH CUYUNA RANGE.  Motion carried.   A donated boat is to be stored in the Fire Hall.   Discussed Smokey Hollow Road.   Discussed dehumidifier in the basement.   Discussed the turn around at the end of Eastburn Road.    Received a letter from attorneys offering their services to the Township.    Discussed a refund check from Mills Motor concerning the Fire Dept.  The Clerk reported the Township has to take no action on the local census.   The Clerk talked with Minnesora Township Insurance agent. The Township can put Township valuation on building but would only be covered for that amount of insurance.  The Clerk pointed out to the Town Board that bond, for the Treasurer and Clerk, was provided by Minnesota Assn. of Townships Insurance.    Information has been sent to Tom Borden, Township attorney, in regard to concerns the Town Board had over Library.  Information included a letter form Dan Greensweig, Director of Operation--General Counsel of the Mn Assn of Townships.  The concerns of the unofficial inspection of a State building inspection in our area and the concerns of the Crooked Lake Town board as to how things should be handled.  The Clerk read his letter to Tom Borden and Borden's reply.  It appears from Dan Greensweig's reply and Tom Borden's reply that the problems can be resolved in an orderly manner and    The public was asked if they had any input on any other matters  A resident questioned if some kind of sound system could be installed for Town Board meetings.   New Sirens will be installed shortly.   MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND PRAX TO PAY WARRANTS 12379-12414.  Motion carried.,  Discussed putting a notice in the paper in regard to John Sumption attending the next Town Board Mtg. in December.      MOTION PRAX, 2ND ANDERSON TO ADJOURN.  Motion carried.


                          Glen Mechelke, Clerk

                                  Jean Prax,  Supervisor

DRAFT        DRAFT        DRAFT     


Dec. 13, 2007

draft, not approved               

The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.   Members present:  Rod Schloesser, Jean Prax, John Leuthard, Dave Schaumberg, Don Anderson, Janet Smith and Glenn Mechelke.    MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER MONTHLY MTG. MINUTES.  Motion carried.     The treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $121,821.73 and was accepted as given.    Robin Gravdahl, of the Brainerd Insurance Company, presented information on cost of insurance for the Township as compared to insurance from the Minnesota Assn. of Townships.    The Fire Dept. report was given.    MOTION LEUTHARD, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO ACCEPT A DONATION OF A BOAT WITH A $2,000 VALUE. MONEY FROM THE SALE OF IT TO GO INTO THE RELIEF ASSN.  Motion carried.   The boiler in the Fire Hall went out.  The Fire Dept. is $3,000 over budget.   Discussed towers.   John Leuthard reported that a heater has been installed in the Canister Station building.  Dave Schaumberg reported on the Town Hall project oo installing windows and doors.  The project was $486.93 under budget.  The sign at the Fire Hall has been installed.  The furnace has been serviced at the Town Hall.  Crooked Lake Township paid for the Power Co. and Knox Electric to install a new power meter and pole for the Outing Volunteer Library.  MOTION SCHAUMBERG, 2ND LEUTHARD THAT THE OUTING VOLUNTEER LIBRARY ASSUME TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ELECTRIC METER #CB78822 AND PAY FOR ELECTRICITY USED FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION. FURTHER MORE THE BILL WILL BE CHARGED TO AND IN THE NAME OF OUTING VOLUNTEER LIBRARY--P.O. BOX 56, OUTING, MN 56662.  Voting:  Leuthard--Yes, Prax--Yes, Schloesser--Yes, Schaumberg--Yes, Anderson--Yes.   Motion carried.     Discussed the Northern Lights on Lake Roosevelt project.  MOTION SCHAUMBERG, 2ND LEUTHARD TO AUTHORIZE THE CLERK TO WRITE A LETTER ADDRESSING CROOKED LAKE TOWNSHIP'S CONCERN WITH THE USE OF CROOKED LAKE TOWNSHIP'S SMOKEY HOLLOW ROAD TO SERVICE THE PROJECT.   Motion carried.    The letter is to be sent to various individuals and must be received by Dec. 19th, 2007.   MOTION ANDERSON, 2ND LEUTHARD FOR CROOKED LAKE TOWNSHIP TO HAVE A STANDARD REPLACEMENT POST FOR MAIL BOXES THAT HAVE PROBLEMS FROM WINTER PLOWING.  CASS COUNTY HAS METAL SWING OUT POSTS FOR THE COUNTY REPLACEMENTS; THERFORE, THEY WILL WORK FOR US AT A COST OF $25 TO PURCHASE FROM THE COUNTY, MINUS THE MAILBOX.  ALSO, THE BOARD SHOULD ENCOURAGE ALL NEW OR PRESENT HOMEOWNER TO USE THIS TYPE OF STANDARD POST, WHICH COULD BE PURCHASED FROM CROOKED LAKE TOWNSHIP. I RECOMMEND THE BOARD PURCHASE SIX {6} POSTS TO HAVE ON HAND AT THE TOTAL COST OF $150.00 OR $25 EACH.  Motion carried.    Cass County is surveying a proposed gravel pit in Beulah Township.  The Environmental Dept. saw no problem with the site.   Discussed blended fuel for the diesel trucks in the winter.   Discussed the roads ending in lakes that the Township will look at in the spring.    The Township feels that one credit card is enough.    Lynn Paulson is working on a grant from Walmart for the Library.   The Precinct Caucus is Feb. 5th, 2008 at 7 pm.    The Township has switched to November elections.  The process of election will start approximately Aug. 4, 2008. and end November 19, 2008.   Discussed the Township's involvement in the census.   A citizen complimented the Township on the great snow removal job on Plummer's Point Road,   MOTION PRAX, 2ND LEUTHARD TO PAY WARRANTS 12415-12451.  Motion carried.     MOTION PRAX, 2ND SCHAUMBERG TO ADJOURN.   Motion carried.

                                      Glenn Mechelke, Clerk

                                              Jean Prax, Supervisor