Listing of area businesses and calendar of events.
Connected to the Crooked Lake Town Hall at 6300 Woods Bays Dr. in Outing.
Roosevelt and Lawrence Area lake Association.
Area lake association for Lake Washburn property owners
Find out about AIS (aquatic invasive species).
The mission of GoNorth MN is to promote sustainable, fulfilling, prosperous and healthy living for residents of. and visitors to, our five rural lake communities.
A wonderful website with lots of information and pictures about our area.
New to the Cass County website is a more detailed mapping system that users can download or print maps of Cass County. There is a "Help With Mapping" section to use as a guide.
This is a free service, helping to reuse useable business materials instead of them becoming waste. Also look under the Cass County website for their materials exchange list.
For seasonal load road restrictions, please refer to this site.
This 15 minute video, released by MN Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer, will educate voters on how to register, how to vote on Election Day, and how to vote by absentee ballot. Go to this website to view, also, new disability ballot-marking technology that will be available for those who would like to use it.
For helpful information on septic mound landscaping and maintenance for owners, please visit this site. Look for this publication: SEPTIC SYSTEMS OWNERS GUIDE----PC-6583
For landscape design publications, refer to SULIS URL in Extension site: